In the state of Arizona, medicinal marijuana is legal. While the legalization of recreational marijuana did not pass in November, under state law, those who have received approval for medical purposes are allowed to utilize the plant. The problem, though, is state laws directly contradict what current federal laws say. That means you can be arrested and charged for possession, use, and growth of marijuana that is lawful under the Arizona Medical Marijuana Act. This makes the entire marijuana situation within Arizona and most surrounding states extremely difficult.
Late night host John Oliver recently covered this issue on Last Week Tonight. The segment gives you something of an idea of how marijuana law discrepancies can affect citizens who believe they are acting legally. (Of course, as lawyers, we should mention that the views expressed by Mr. Oliver are not necessarily our own, and that we are sharing the video for entertainment purposes.)
If you are stuck in the middle of federal and state laws regarding marijuana, unfortunately you’re not alone. Your right to medical treatment is at odds with federal drug regulations, and if you’re caught in this net, you can’t wait for policy reforms to fix the situation. Call the experienced attorneys at Pinnacle Law for help.